
FAQ of 2022

Hey all! I wanted to answer some questions I've been getting frequently that I have answered on social media but are still being missed. Now I'll have a central place to guide you all to.

As of January 2023

The A**hole Club Series

I am working on this series now to bring it to a close. I want to give you all the epic ending to this series and I have a bonus planned as a thank you for your patience. While reworking the ending to the series and writing Ox. I saw something I'd like to bring to you. I'll tell you more about it later this year.

The Blackhart Brothers Series

I've been asked how to find the last two books?

Here is the answer to this question. So I left the publisher for the first two books in the series. I wasn't allowed to publish another from the series for a year. I then acquired the rights back to all four books and decided to re-release books one and two when books three and four are complete.

I now just have to find a whole in my schedule to fit writing the last books in. I'm looking for a place this year but as some know I'm not trying to injury my hands again and I have a full house for the year as it is. However, when I finish the workload I set for 2023, this series is up next. I will release them one book a week until they are all out. Thank you for your patience.

Black Bella

I was asked about the final two books in the Black Bella series. This series was one of my first books if not my first. I'm a much different author. I think that's where the disconnect with the characters is coming from. My hope is that when I go to clean the first book up with new edits, the series will speak up.

I also don't have the last two covers so that might be the problem as well. However, I'm not buying anymore covers until I publish the over 100 I have. So if that's the problem, it is what it is for now. LOL

Lost Souls

Although the Lost Souls SC and Georgia Chapter series is completely outlined. My year filled up before I could add any of them. Allow me to see what I can handle this year and I'll add them in after the Blackhart brothers. I need a little time to figure out how I'm going to tie in the NY and LA chapters. I also need to move the Love Notes Series and Lost to Amazon as it all connects. These books all go before Kelvar, book 8.

Destiny Series

There's one more book. I'm hoping to get it in during an opening. It's outlined. I have at least three books not on the list that I want to fit into my downtime writing. This is one.


I've been asked where's Caleb's brother's book?

Carmen's book will appear as Baller's Book 3 of the Ballers Series. This is on my 2023 list already and has been talking for the last two years. I'll be happy to get to it. I have a playlist I have to avoid because Carmen likes to talk to it.

Immortal Iron Brothers

This series will come out this year, 2023. I know, I know, I've said that before, but the outline is done and I only have 4 and a half books before them. This series is so big in concept. I'm glad I'm getting to it now in this season of my writing.

A Million to Blow Series

I've been asked if there will be more to this series. Yes, there are two more books. Cane and Wade still have books coming.

Hush Series

I've been asked about Sammy and Micheal as well as Jordan Black.

I have this series outlined but again it's a matter of timing and when I can get to it. One person, two hands, one brain. I'll get to it as soon as I clean my plate. I just want you to know I am heading for it. The Alliance will fit somewhere around these books. I'm still thinking about that part.

I think that's a lot and it's all I can remember being asked. Wish luck. I'm off to the books for now. Thank you for your continued support.

Be Yours Series

I was asked if there would be a book coming from this series.

The series has been outlined, I have all the covers for this series, and I have done the re-read of the books needed for me to get this series. However, this is also a matter of time, and the fact that I can only write one book at a time and I'm going as fast as I can.

Please, have patience and show me some grace. If I push too hard we'll have nothing. If you relax and allow me to relax this becomes easy and I move faster.


  • Ka Brown

    Hey Blue, thanks for the update on the upcoming books. My question to you is where does the O’Briens/ Kings of New York fall at in your schedule. The rest of the lineup is fine with me, but I’ve been waiting on Brooklyn’s story.

    • Blue Saffire

      I have no idea. You have to keep in mind I’m just getting full use of my hands back. I’m trying to make up for lost time but I can’t force myself back into the same place. This series also require me to be familiar with a lot of books. And has others that come before them. I can’t give a date at the moment. I’m working through the list of 10 I’ve posted and then I will see what I can get to next.

  • Karen Maloy

    Thanks fo the Look-see Blue ! the Kings and Alliance with Logan and Brooklin are mu favs @ zHope yo read them Doon. But take care of you Dis, we can wait ! 😎🫶

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