A Million to Blow on Amazon
While you were sleeping, I did a thing.
A Million To Blow is now live.
***Warning: This title is a re-release of Blue's website exclusive A Million to Blow. It's been totally rewritten with over 100 pages of new content.
Award-winning Author Blue Saffire presents
A Million to Blow Book 1 in A Million Series
She doesn’t know I’ve been waiting for her. I’ve been planning since I first laid eyes on her. Now’s my chance. Save the day and get my woman. That’s the plan…if only it were that easy.
They were going to throw me in jail for something I didn’t do. Now, I’m free and clear and I just want to move on with my life. I was only supposed to be going out to celebrate. Not getting sucked back into this mess by a man who I just don’t know how to say no to. I’m breaking all of my rules for him, but I’ll learn so is he.
It all starts with an offer. A Million to Blow…

First Sight
I hate these events. My mother is the only reason I’m here. Only she can get me to New York for some bullshit like this.
This benefit isn’t even one of the deserving ones. However, my mother doesn’t know her best friend’s son is an asshat who’d rather make up a fake charity to support his drug habit than actually find a legit source of income.
I grab a flute of champagne from a passing tray as I casually stroll the large ballroom. My uninterested expression wards off most conversations. I’m making my second pass around the room as a stunning woman in a purple gown catches my attention.
Unfortunately, Dexter Reed is breathing down her neck. I can’t stand this prick. He thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. He doesn’t even have the funds to back his arrogance, he’s been coasting for years.
I move a little closer, wanting to learn more about the gorgeous woman. She has this vibe about her. Her long dark hair cascades like silk over her shoulder. When she turns her face my way, I’m blown away. Her face is as alluring as her body. Her brown skin has a glow about it.
She’s stunning. Her lips, her eyes. I want to peel that dress from her body and devour every inch of her, but I’m Clayton Hennessy.
I learned a long time ago that I can’t give in to every beauty I see. I need to learn more about her. I need to know if she’ll be willing to enter my type of arrangement. Especially now.
I can’t afford any more scandal. It’s been years since the blackmail attempt, but it burned up the last of my trust. Relationships have to be my way or no way.
“Clayton.” I turn to find my head of security with his eyes on me.
I point with my glass at the beauty in the purple dress. “Find out who she is.”
“I believe that’s Sidney James. At least from what I just overheard.”
I move in even closer. David follows. However, I’m not paying him much attention, my focus is on Ms. James.
“Listen, I don’t know who you think you are or who you think I am, but if you say one more inappropriate thing to me or try to touch me again, I’m going to throat punch you and step right over you like I have no idea what the hell happened,” she hisses at Reed.
I purse my lips to keep from laughing. I like her. As a matter of fact, I want her.
“I need to know everything about her.”
“I’ll get right on it. Your mother is looking for you.”

The happens of May

Bring in June
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